Change language

You are able to change the language of the booking widget, backend and messages to Dutch, English, German or French.

To change the language of the widget:
If you wish to change the language of the widget, go to Settings > Inframe Widgets in the backend. On the page that now appears you scroll down. The calendar is set to Dutch by default. At the right side you can see a little dark grey block, where you can change the language to English, French or German. It is important that the generated code is pasted on your website again.

To change the language of the backend:
If you wish to change the language of the backend, you can do this by clicking on the little arrows next to 'NL' at the top right in the backend. Here you can change the language of the backend to English, Dutch, French or German.

To change the language of the messages:
For customers that have a user account, you can set the language of the messages they receive (appointment confirmation and possible the reminder. To set the language per customer with a user account, you go to 'Customers'. You can recognize customers with a user account through the blue doll next to their name. Subsequently click on the little notepad with the pen at the relevant customer. At the bottom of the page 'Adjusting of customer…' you can read 'Language for messages'. This can be edited to the language of your wish.

The messages that are sent can be found back under Manage > Messages > Text Email Messages. If you click on the notepad with pen, and you edit the language to for example English, you can view the text that is sent. Of course you are able to adjust the messages entirely to your preferences.