Gift cards

To create a gift card, you go to Cash Register > Coupons > Gift Cards. At the top right you click on 'Add Gift Card'. To create a gift card, it is important that the POS module is activated.

Subsequently walk through the indicated fields. You can indicate whether it concerns an external gift card or a self-created one. External gift cards are not registered separately, but can be turned in though. With this type of gift card it is not possible to pay online, because they are not registered. It is possible though to enter the codes of already payed external gift cards, so that they can be dealt with through the online appointment system, online as well as offline.

If you indicate that it concerns a self-created gift card, it is ticked by default that a random code is generated at the time of issue of a new gift card. Of course you can untick this. In that case you must pair a code to the gift card yourself at the time of issue yourself.

Important next step is the activation of the gift card, so that customers can buy this in the web shop. Go to Cash Register > Products and click on 'Edit' at the relevant gift card. Subsequently tick the following:

  • This product is visible in the cash register
  • This product can be bought online by the consumer

When a gift card is bought by a customer, the gift card must still be provided to the customer, either physically or through email. This is not an automatic process.

At Cash register > Coupons > Gift Cards you can find an overview of the created gift cards. Here it is also possible to check the number of gift cards that are sold and redeemed, and the value that they represent.

It is possible to put the gift card as a separate product on the website. For this, go to Settings > Inframe Widgets > Checkout widget and subsequently click on 'Generate Code and Preview' and tick the box next to 'Generate URL for limited amount of products'. Subsequently click on product group 'Gift Cards' and tick the relevant gift card. Next, you add the code to your website.