Since February 28, 2019 we have been ISO 27001 certified. This means an independent party (DigiTrust) confirms that our processes and security is well in place. They check it by means of an important international standard for information security. ISO 27001 is a globally recognized standard in the field of information security that describes how companies should handle information security in a process-oriented manner, with the aim of guaranteeing the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information within the organization.
Privacy and security are our main principles, precisely because we have been working for “sensitive” branches such as health care, ministries and universities since 2003. Our servers are located in the Netherlands and are hosted by an ISO 27001 certified hosting party. In addition, it is of course our task to arrange the data security, so we let penetration tests be executed on our software by independent agencies, they check our system on the top 10 vulnerabilities of web applications (OWASP).
The scope of the certification wants to conform to the ISO 27001 standard to manage its risks and to have our compliance checked by an external auditor. The scope of the certification has been defined by as follows: "Ontwikkeling, support, technisch beheer en hosting van software, waarbij als verwerker verantwoordelijk is voor de klantdata".
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